Our hearing health checks

Hearing loss isn’t always age related

We offer comprehensive hearing health checks so that we can spot any issues and keep you connected with the ones you love most.

If you’re struggling to hear and are missing out on those important moments with your loved ones, a hearing test to find your tailored hearing solution could change your life.

Our hearing health checks are free of charge and can be carried out at one of our fully equipped centres across Devon & Cornwall.

Why have a hearing test?

Hearing loss is a natural effect of ageing, but it can also come about as a result of other factors too, like exposure to loud noise, trauma, illness and infections. Your hearing might also decline as the result of allergies or side-effects of some medications, genetics and wear and tear inside the ear.

That’s why it’s important to regularly check your hearing. According to the UK Government’s Health Security Agency there are 11 million people in the UK who suffer with some kind of hearing loss. A hearing test could be the first step towards identifying the root cause to potentially slow your hearing loss down.

Some people might be reluctant to talk about loss of hearing and consequently suffer in silence, missing out on the fun of a fully engaged and interactive social and business life as they grow older.

We are here to break down those barriers and taboos surrounding hearing less to help you achieve a better quality of life. That starts with a regular hearing test and health check, just as you might do for your eyes or teeth.

Contact your nearest independent Peninsula audiologist to get started.

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Alternatively, if you prefer to speak to us, feel free to give us a call. Or request an appointment by clicking below.

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Signs of hearing loss

5 signs you should have a hearing test.

  1. If you’re always asking people to repeat themselves or you can’t clearly hear what they’re saying.
  2. If you have persistent ringing in your ears – 15% of the world’s population suffer from tinnitus.
  3. If you’re unable to hold a conversation in noisy places.
  4. If you’re always turning up the TV volume.
  5. If you’re missing sounds you shouldn’t, like cars approaching or the doorbell, or you don’t know where sounds are coming from.

The benefits of a hearing test

Whilst treatment for hearing loss rarely reverses the damage already done, it can slow down its effects. You would also have peace of mind, knowing what the cause of your hearing loss is, making your life easier.

Hearing solutions can also help maintain your mental sharpness and slow down the onset of dementia, as hearing loss interferes with your brain’s ability to process sounds and recognise speech.

Hearing loss can also have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing, and it can lead to withdrawal from social situations, causing loneliness and depression. Issues that are largely preventable with intervention. Find your local Peninsula Hearing Care clinic and book your free hearing test and consultation today.

What to expect when you have a hearing test

If you’ve never had a hearing test before or seen a hearing care specialist, it’s understandable to be a little apprehensive about what to expect.

Your local Peninsula Audiologist will take care of you, answer any questions or concerns you may have, and make sure that your experience is a positive one!

We pride ourselves on taking care of our patients to ensure the experience is hassle-free, informative, reassuring and completely without obligation, so your first step to better hearing is possibly one of the best steps you’ve ever taken!

All hearing tests and hearing health checks with us are free.

You do not need a GP or ENT referral to arrange a hearing test or hearing check, and we strongly recommend that you have your hearing checked annually.

Non-invasive and painless

Hearing tests are completely painless and non-invasive.

Our audiologist will look inside your ear canal with the help of an otoscope. The health of your ears will be checked, including checking for any wax build-up that might be affecting your ability to hear. They will test your eardrums in a tympanometry test and outer ears for signs of any damage or infection before testing your hearing. If they find anything that needs further investigation, they will also make a referral for you to your GP.

The hearing test appointment takes about an hour.

Get the right treatment

Selecting the correct hearing aid for you depends on many factors, including the degree of your hearing loss, your lifestyle, personal preference, and your budget. As an independent hearing care provider, we can offer you our unbiased and expert advice that is backed up by the very best aftercare service.

Once you’ve made the first step and completed your Hearing Health Check with us, we have a quick turnaround to make sure that you can rejoin the conversation sooner. The time from initial consultation to fitting for custom-made instruments is usually as little as 2 weeks. For some open fit hearing aids, next day fitting is possible.

Click here to book your Hearing Health Check now or if you want to find out more, please send us a message.

This service is available at our local clinics

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